Remember to wear something red for Comic Relief on Friday 21st March!
Remember to wear something red for Comic Relief on Friday 21st March!
Welcome to
Church Drive Primary School
What makes Church Drive Primary School so unique?
Have you ever wondered what makes a school a special place to be? We ask ourselves this question each and every day at Church Drive Primary School and our answer is always the same: our school is extraordinary because of the incredible pupils, parents, community partners and staff who collaborate and bring it to life. Their energy, love and passion are infectious and create a special environment for our pupils.
It is this inclusive environment that makes our school unique. When your child joins Church Drive, your family becomes a part of our family. We have a community of respect and love where everyone has the freedom to express themselves, no matter their race or special educational needs. Our goal is that this freedom enables them to achieve excellence together and grow into the good citizens we strive for them to be.
Church Drive is a place of inspiration: As the headteacher, I am privileged to encounter and cultivate the brilliant young minds of our school community. Our stakeholders share their stories as to why Church Drive is so unique:
“What makes Church Drive unique is the way the school administration and teachers include and engage pupils in different roles beyond the classroom. We could not be more impressed with the role of pupil ambassadors, eco-warriors, playleaders, well-being leads and the like. It is a brilliant way to show children that a school is a community, not just in a classroom, and that there are unique ways to lend your skills to be part of the school community.” (School Governor)
“Church Drive is not just a place for learning, it is a place full of nurturing, self care, diversity and life lessons. At Church Drive we build relationships based on trust and tailor our learning to meet the needs of individuals. We adapt what we need to do and strive to ensure everyone arrives and leaves feeling safe, happy and respected.” (Class Teacher)
“I know who I can contact in school if I have concerns over my child’s learning or development. The whole team is helpful.” (Year 5 Parent)
“One of the unique things about Church Drive is it inclusivity. The staff are dedicated to creating an environment where all children can learn and blossom to their full potential regardless of their differing needs, abilities or learning styles. It is a place where children can be their authentic selves and feel comfortable, included and welcomed.” (Year 2 Parent)
“What makes Church Drive unique? That’s an easy answer…. the children. They bring joy and positive energy to all areas of the school. They inspire me to be the best teaching assistant I can be and they show resilience and determination to tackle all the challenges we throw at them. Church Drive would not be Church Drive without them.” (Teaching Assistant)
“What a wonderful school to get to teach music in on a Thursday morning. Not only does the school look like a postcard but the entire faculty and school staff are really welcoming and supportive, not just of me but all the children that come to my lessons. Thursday is my favourite teaching day as a result of CHURCH DRIVE.” (Oliver Philips - Rocksteady Music Tutor)
“I love my school because the staff listen to me and support me when I am faced with a challenge. Our residential trip to Barnstondale in Year 4 was amazing learning to do archery, team building, rescue survival missions in the wood and ultimately toasting marshmallows on the camp fire.” (Year 5 pupil)
“In school I enjoy performing and taking part in concerts with the choir. Our trip to perform at Hilbre High School last Christmas was a fantastic opportunity and it was like being on a Britain’s’ Got Talent stage. The choir has sang at the Hillsborough Memorial and performed at two local Care Homes. I love that I can express myself and be a part of my school community.” (Year 4 pupil)
“I had the best morning. The children are an absolute credit to the school and their parents must be so proud. It genuinely made my heart full and I cannot thank you enough. They are lucky to have teachers like all of you.” (Steve - Mental Health Support Group)

Parent involvement is key to success with the curriculum. Children thrive when the partnership between home and school works well.
Children are at the heart of all we believe in education.
Working together for a better education for our pupils, sharing hope and aspiration.