Early Help
Useful Links
at Church Drive Primary School
We know that parenting is not always easy but we want to help as much as we can. As well as the support detailed elsewhere in this section, there is a wealth of advice available online; we have listed some useful websites below.
We hope you find these links of interest. However, please note that Church Drive Primary School is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
The 0-19 Team consists of Health Visitors, School Nurses, CAMHS Community Nurses, Staff Nurses, Community Nursery Nurses and Admin Support Workers. They work with families, children and young people offering advice and information to support the health, development and well-being of children and their families.
One of the UK's leading children's charities, Barnardo's works directly with 248,000 children, young people, parents and carers every year. They run over 996 vital services across the UK, including counselling for children, fostering and adoption services, vocational training and disability inclusion groups.
Catch 22 family support services offer flexible, evidence-based interventions adapted to the holistic needs of each family. Services include intensive rapid response support for families in crisis, support for children in need and bespoke therapeutic programmes for victims and children affected by domestic abuse.
Early Help Early Help means taking action to support a child, young person or their family as soon as a problem emerges. It can be required at any stage in a child’s life, from pre-birth to adolescence, and applies to any problem or need that the family can’t deal with alone. Please contact the School Office if you require any further information about this service.
Home-Start Wirral provides a range of services that help families deal with the challenges they face each day, supporting parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for themselves and their children.
WIRED works with and for disadvantaged people and carers across the North West, supporting people to live their lives as independently and with as much choice and control as possible.
The Wirral Autistic Society offers a wide range of specialist support services to people with autism and their families.
Wirral CAMHS offers a wide variety of support to young people between the ages of 0-18, including assessment, therapeutic interventions, consultation and training.
Wirral Children's Centres bring together a range of services for families and children from pre-birth to five. Every child will have a named children's centre allocated to them, but you are able to attend any children's centre in Wirral.
The Wirral Local Safeguarding Children's Board monitors and evaluates what is done by partner agencies individually and collectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of everyone who lives in Wirral.
Wirral Young Carers offers support to young carers in the Wirral area (young carers are defined as children or young people under the age of 18yrs old who provide care to another member of the family).
We also have information about keeping your child safe online, which can be found here on our website.
Place to Be - Improving Mental Health for Children have opened their free Parenting Smart site, itis filled with a number of resources for parents and carers of 4-11 year olds. Their latest articles on supporting healthy gaming habits, developing a child's talent and safe social media for younger children can all be read or watched in under ten minutes. These are perfect for those with limited time.