Our Governors
Our Governors
at Church Drive Primary School
Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust, of which our school is a part, consists of members and trustees from across the MAT schools and each school has their own local governing body.
The Role of School Governors
The Department for Education defines governors as:
‘the strategic leaders of our schools [who] have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education.’
They exercise three key functions:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Our governing body is part of the strategic leadership of Church Drive Primary School and is party to the constant development of opportunities and the continuous raising of standards right across school life. This is a key responsibility to the children in our school.
All governors are firm supporters of our school and are very proud that our children are part of such a wonderful school family. The governors are very supportive of Mrs Jones and her team and enjoy seeing all the good things which happen on behalf of our children.
Governors' support, though, is not just about telling staff and pupils what a good job they are doing. Support is also about challenging them to do better and the governing body strive for our school to go that bit further and governors are a critical friend in doing this. So, while governors have a duty to challenge Mrs Jones and her team to achieve more, they also support them as they do it.
We hope you can see throughout your child's school life that alongside their education, their safety, happiness and wellbeing is a key priority for our governing body.
If you ever feel you need to discuss any issues regarding school life or would like to feedback any positive experiences to the governing body please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff or one of our governors. This can be done through the school office or direct with one of the parent governors.
Meetings and Attendance
Our Governors
Declaration of Business Interests
All governors complete a form annually declaring any business interests. All forms are reviewed by the Headteacher or Chair of Governors. Details of the business interests of the current governing body can be seen here.
Chair of Governors, Chair of Pay Committee, Co-opted Governor (appointed by Board)
Responsibility: Teaching and Learning
Term of office: 12.9.23-11.9.27
I am delighted to be Chair of Governors at the school. I first became a school governor in 1991 but have been involved in education since I qualified as a teacher in 1976. I taught 11- to 18-year-olds for 33 years in local Secondary Schools. I am now retired.
I am currently a governor of The Observatory School and Chair of Governors of Christ Church C of E Primary School.
I was designated a National Leader of Governance in 2016 by the National College for Teaching and Leadership and I offer support and mentor new chairs of governors as part of this role.
My main areas of interest are Teaching and Learning and Pupil and Staff Wellbeing.
Headteacher Governor (automatic appointment by virtue of position of office)
Vice Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor (appointed by Board)
Responsibility: Finance/Health and Safety
Term of office: 12.9.23-11.9.27
I work for the American-owned company WABTEC Faiveley UK, which has been based on the Wirral since the early 1960s. I am married with two grown up children and two grandchildren.
I have been a Co-opted Governor at The Observatory School since late 2017. I have discussed Church Drive Primary School in some detail with Mr Tony Lacey, CEO of Oak Trees MAT, and I am delighted to join the Governing Body of the school.
I am a career engineer, in the railway industry and, currently, employed as a Business Development Manager. My experience, knowledge and skills include working in multi-disciplined teams, with cross-cultural backgrounds, working to project plans, budgets and high industry standards.
I have been impressed with the school and the reception I have received from staff and fellow governors. I will make it my responsibility to increase my knowledge and competence in the governor role, ensuring I make a positive contribution to the school and the education of its pupils.
Parent Governor (appointed by parent vote)
Term of office: 18.7.22 - 17.7.26
Parent Governor (appointed by parent vote)
Term of office: 18.7.22 - 17.7.26
Co-opted Governor
Term of office: 14/9/23-13/7/27
Staff Governor
Term of office: 28/11/2023 - 27/11/2027