Menus and Healthy Eating
Menus and Healthy Eating
at Church Drive Primary School
As a school we take healthy eating seriously. We encourage the children to make good food choices by teaching them about health and nutrition, and by providing a range of delicious meals for those children who have a school lunch.
If children eat better, they feel better, play better and work better. At Church Drive Primary School our healthy eating policy is carefully designed to ensure all children enjoy access to a nutritional and carefully balanced diet whilst on school premises.
Our highly-skilled and experienced catering team pride themselves on the standard and variety of meals available. We use fresh, sustainable, locally-procured ingredients, freshly prepared on site, giving parents and the school the peace of mind that children can have a healthy meal at lunchtime.
We also run special themed food days throughout the year to celebrate national and international events and to link to the curriculum. For children not eligible for Free School Meals, meals are charged at the normal rate of £2.50.
Universal (Infant) Free School Meals
All children in F2, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for Universal Free School Meals.
If your child has moved up to Year 3 they will no longer be eligible for Universal Free School Meals. Each meal will cost £2.41 and our method of payment is via the Arbor App. If you do not have login details, please contact the school office.
Free School Meals
If you believe your child may be entitled to benefit-based Free School Meals, please either complete the online application form below:
or contact the School Office with your National Insurance Number and Date of Birth and we will complete the application on your behalf.
School milk is supplied by an outside provider. Individual milk cartons are delivered to school each day. Milk should be paid for via your on- line account on their website:
Healthy Snacks and Drinks
All children are provided with a named, refillable water bottle which can be accessed throughout the day.
Foundation Stage and Key Stage One
Each morning children are provided with a portion of fruit/vegetables. However if you wish to send in a healthy snack from home please consult the list of acceptable snacks below.
Key Stage Two
Children are welcome to have a mid-morning snack during their break time. If you would like send a snack from home there is a list of acceptable snacks below:
Portion of fruit
Portion of vegetables, eg carrot sticks (you may include a small pot of low fat dip, for example low fat houmous - we do not recommend the pre-packaged cheese dippers/lunchables etc as they can contain high amounts of sugar, fat and salt)
1 large plain rice cake or 2-3 small plain rice cakes
2 oatcakes
2-3 bread sticks
Raisins (as a rough guide a portion size is about the size of your child’s palm)
Some supermarkets are packaging “healthy snacks” which contain under 100 kcals and fit with guidelines for amounts of salt, sugars and fats - one of these snacks
Half a fruit or plain scone (with low fat spread if desired)
1-2 small slices of malt loaf (Soreen) or an individual mini malt loaf (with low fat spread if desired)
Please note that we are a nut-free school as we have pupils with severe nut allergies. Please do not give your child any snacks containing nuts.