School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Plan
at Church Drive Primary School
The following are the main school improvement priorities for 2024-2025:
Quality of Education
Ensure the quality of teaching is consistently good through coherent and sequenced planning across each key phase alongside the consistent application of the Teaching and Learning Policy
Ensure assessment for learning is used systematically to monitor understanding, identify misconceptions and provide clear and direct feedback, in order to ensure we, respond and adapt teaching to meet the children’s needs allowing all pupils to access a full ambitious curriculum
To ensure teaching meets the needs of all children, particularly vulnerable children, including those with SEND, through the effective deployment of additional staff, rigorous implementation of PCPs and SMART targets to ensure sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.
To improve the quality of reading teaching across the curriculum to develop learners confidence and enjoyment in reading including ensuring the early stages of reading linked to phonics knowledge
To improve the progress children make in writing to close the gap between the school and national at expected and greater depth by developing and embedding the agreed writing process and ensuring appropriate pedagogy is utilised in relation to the key phase
Behaviour and Attitudes
Our learners’ attitudes to their education are positive due to our high expectations which are applied consistently and fairly. They’re committed to their learning, know how to study effectively and are resilient to setbacks. They take pride in their achievements and make positive, tangible contributions to the life of the school and the wider community.
Provide relevant support and professional development opportunities to all members of staff, so they understand the needs of SEND children and manage behaviour effectively.
Create an environment where bullying, learner-on-learner abuse or discrimination are not tolerated with a focus on ensuring equity and equality across the school community. If incidences do occur, staff deal with issues quickly and effectively, and do not allow them to spread
Our learners have high attendance and are punctual.
Personal Development
To enhance opportunities within an inclusive, tolerant and diverse environment to help all learners, with a focus on disadvantaged pupils including those with SEND, to explore and express their character and build the skills they need for resilience, empathy and employability.
To develop the breadth of our curriculum by developing our careers programme and provision for outdoor learning.
Leadership and Management
Ensure induction for all new members of staff is effective to ensure consistency of practice
Ensure subject leaders become experts in their areas by having a clear vision for their subject and support teachers develop subject and pedagogical knowledge by auditing/ monitoring and providing professional development to improve learning
To develop effective transitions between key phases (FS2 to Year 1, Year 2 to Year 3 and Year 6 to Year 7) to ensure staff are aware of the needs of all pupils
Our staff consistently report high levels of support for wellbeing issues.
To continue to develop an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts pupils’ interests first promoting vigilance maintaining an attitude of ‘it could happen here’
Establish effective leadership to establish a clear vision/values and manage the development of EYFS so expectations are clear and the curriculum meets the needs of the children in FS1 and FS2.
Construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give children, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge, self-belief and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Ensuring the curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced and builds on what children know and can do, towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for their future learning.
Create an environment inside and outside that supports the intent of an ambitious, coherently planned and sequenced curriculum and resources are chosen to meet the children’s needs, including vulnerable pupils and those with SEND, and promote learning.