Curriculum Intent
Curriculum Intent
at Church Drive Primary School
At Church Drive Primary School, we are committed to providing a purposeful and empowering curriculum that fully prepares learners for the next steps in their school career and opens the doors to the wider world. Core literacy and numeracy skills are at the heart of all we do and our ambitious curriculum provokes curiosity and excitement.
Everything begins with our character gateways. They are woven through all that we do and underpin our shared belief that our role is to support children in aspiring to achieve, understanding their place in the world and broadening their horizons.
We believe it is our responsibility to show children that there is a world of possibility awaiting them, outside of the school gates. We also strive to encourage a love of learning, and a metacognitive understanding of how we can best learn and self-regulate, that will continue into secondary school and beyond.
Our curriculum is tailored to the needs of all of children. We celebrate our local heritage and nurture children’s understanding of the communities which they are a part. Significant people have been woven through each area of the curriculum. These include people of local, national and international significance. The study of significant individuals brings life to our learning, meaning children are more likely to recall facts and events.
Our sequential curriculum ensures that knowledge is cumulative. Substantive and disciplinary knowledge is at the heart of each subject and linked areas of study are exploited in order to consolidate and embed learning across the curriculum. At Church Drive Primary School, we pride ourselves on evidence-informed practice. We understand that memory lies at the heart of learning and therefore we strategically plan opportunities for children to recall and remember. This allows memories to be strengthened, meaning that children can draw on previous learning with confidence in order to build and connect.
Inclusive to all learners, Church Drive celebrates individuality and embraces difference. As a school community, we learn from each other and share experiences, thoughts and ideas in order to develop shared tolerance, acceptance and understanding. At the end of children’s time at Church Drive Primary, we proudly say goodbye to confident and resilient individuals who are fully prepared for the next steps in their education, and who understand the difference they can make to their community.
The curriculum on offer at Church Drive runs over a two-year cycle. Below you will find the Whole School Curriculum Intent.