Feedback from Parents and Carers
Feedback from Parents and Carers
at Church Drive Primary School
We welcome constructive feedback from the parents and carers of our pupils. From time to time we will ask for your views via questionnaires or surveys, the results of which will be published here on the website. You are also invited to complete a short survey on the Parent View website run by Ofsted.
We also involve the children themselves in decision making as much as possible, and representatives from each class are elected to the school council, learning team, eco council and so on, all of which meet regularly to share ideas and opinions from across the school.
Parent View results
Many thanks to all parents/carers who have completed a survey on the Parent View website (see here for more information about this site). In September 2019, the Parent View questions were changed slightly to reflect the new education inspection framework. As a result, data from previous years is no longer available; however, we monitor feedback frequently and our most recent analysis before the changes is shown below.
We are pleased that the vast majority of the feedback received has been overwhelmingly positive, as you can see from the data below. In every case the percentage of responses strongly agreeing with each statement was the highest by a significant margin. We are encouraged by this and aim to continue to develop and build on these areas. We also recognise however that we can always improve: for example, we note that there were several responses of 'Don't know', so we are looking at how we can communicate more effectively so that parents feel fully informed of all that we do. We also take seriously any negative feedback and will look at how we might need to implement any necessary changes to our procedures.