Visions and Values
Visions and Values
at Church Drive Primary School
Our School Vision
Church Drive strives for ‘Achieving Excellence Together’ through our Personal and Character Development Framework
Our vision for Church Drive Primary School is of a vibrant community where every child is able to thrive – to become a confident, responsible and resourceful citizen with a love of learning, who is properly equipped for the future.
Our School Values
We have always prided ourselves on being a caring school with a positive atmosphere. Our school values seek to make explicit what is happening implicitly. They provide for our children a structure for understanding the way we behave so that everyone is clear about the way we should act and relate to one another. A value can be defined as a ‘principle that guides behaviour’. The school has an established vision and we see adopting school values as a further step in enabling us to meet that vision.
Our values embed our approach so that our ‘principles that guide behaviour’ are consistent throughout the school.
The values we follow are:
All children are valued from the beginning through to the end of their Primary Learning Journey here at Church Drive Primary.
Our values are supported by the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Rule of law, Community, Respect and Individual Liberty.